Account Management HelpHelp Index

The following options are available from the 'Account Management' section in 'My Profile':

  • Personal Information:
    • User Information: To change your user information, select 'Personal Information'. Edit your First/Last Name, Email Address, and/or Time Zone. Select 'Update' to save the changes.

    • Email Preferences: To configure e-mail preferences, select 'Personal Information'. Edit the e-mail options as desired. Select 'Update' to save the changes.

    • Password: To change your password, select 'Personal Information'. Type your current password, desired new password, and confirm the new password. Select 'Update' to save the changes.

  • Edit My Fantasy Leagues List: To hide inactive leagues, select 'Edit My Fantasy Leagues List'. Select Hide next to the appropriate league, and select 'Save Changes'. Note: Select Show to re-enable a league for viewing.

  • Edit My Fantasy Groups List: To hide inactive groups, select 'Edit My Fantasy Groups List'. Select Hide next to the appropriate group, and select 'Save Changes'. Note: Select Show to re-enable a group for viewing.

  • Favorite Teams: To change your Favorite Teams, select 'Favorite Teams'. Edit your favorite teams as desired. Select 'Update' to save the changes.

  • My Fantasy Postseason Page: To see how your profile looks to other users, select 'My Fantasy Postseason Page'.

  • My Players: To see a listing of players in active leagues, select 'My Players'.

  • Upload Avatar: To upload an Avatar, select 'Upload Avatar', and select 'Browse'. Select the appropriate image from a local directory, and select 'Upload Picture'. Note: An image size of 120w x 150h is recommended for optimal display; a 150K maximum file size is allowed.

  • Delete Account: To delete your account, select 'Delete Account' and confirm the account deletion.