To add/drop players for 'Pick One Daily' leagues, select 'My Daily Starters'. For all other league types, to add/drop players (if the commissioner allows it),
after the league draft has completed, go to your League Home page and select 'Add/Drop Players' from the 'Players' menu.
Select a player to add from the free-agent pool, and/or select a player to drop from your team. Complete the transaction by either selecting 'Add', 'Drop', or 'Confirm Swap'.
To clear a transaction, select 'Cancel'.
If Waivers are allowed by the commissioner, the desired waiver order of your players can be adjusted via 'Edit Waiver Priority' from the 'Players' menu.
For details on our Waiver Priority ('Continual Rolling List' and 'Free Agent Acquisition Budget') and Waiver Period ('Post Game' and 'All the Time') options,
please see the 'Waivers' section within each sport's 'Rules' from the
Help menu.
- Single player adds or drops are supported (however, the commissioner can disallow it).
- The addition of players beyond a league's roster size limit is not allowed. Player additions must also respect position requirements.
- During a team's locked period, no transactions with players on that team are allowed (this includes player adds or drops). Players on eliminated teams can be dropped (after the locking period ends), but cannot be added.
Transactions with players are not allowed during locked periods.
- The number of free agent moves allowed and the length of time free agency is permitted are both configurable by the commissioner.
For additional options available to the commissioner, please see the Free Agency section on the 'Settings' page.
- Salary cap leagues contain a shadow interface where players can be added and dropped without impacting moves. As changes are made, a running total of 'Pending Moves' (player adds) is shown,
along with a warning that pending changes must be saved. Once player changes are made that fit under the salary cap and contain your desired players, select the 'Save' button - only then will new player
additions count against your total number of moves. If you wish to cancel all player changes, select the 'Discard' button (no moves will be counted).
Note: This option is only available for salary cap leagues that limit the number of free agent moves and allow unlimited player selection.