Please create an account or log in then return to this page to register for the contest.
Contest Overview
(1) Select a fantasy football team of 11 players for the NFL playoffs that conforms to the following roster:
1QB, 3RB, 3WR, 2TE, 1K, 1DST
(2) No more than 3 players can be chosen from the same NFL playoff team. For example, your roster can consist of at MOST 3 New England Patriots.
(3) Once the contest starts there can be no changes to your roster - so choose your players wisely. Players will accumulate points as they progress throughout, with the winner having the most total points.
(4) Entries for this contest will be accepted until Saturday, January 7th, 2017 at 4PM EST.
(5) This contest is FREE to enter and no purchase is necessary.
(6) Only 1 contest entry per person is allowed.
Prizes and Participation
(1) The top 10 entrants will receive the following prizes:
Grand Prize - 6 FREE months Playbook Pro Subscription ($119.94 Value)
2nd place - 4 FREE months Playbook Pro Subscription ($79.96 Value)
3rd place - 3 FREE months Playbook Pro Subscription ($39.98 Value)
4th place - 2 FREE months Playbook Pro Subscription ($39.98 Value)
5th place - 1 FREE months Playbook Pro Subscription ($39.98 Value)
6th-10th place – Free T-Shirt or Hat ($19.99 Value)
(2) All contestants agree that they have complied with all contest rules, and that Fantasy Alarm may publicize winner's information.
(3) In the event of a tie, prize awards will be combined and split amongst the contestants.
(4) All personal information including email addresses provided by contestants will be kept confidential and secure and may be used for further marketing and promotions by Fantasy Alarm and Fantasy Postseason.
(5) All decisions made by Fantasy Alarm judges are final and binding.
(6) Fantasy Alarm reserves right to cancel or modify this contest if it determines that the contest can't be run as originally planned or if fairness or integrity of contest compromised.
(7) Fantasy Alarm may substitute prizes of equal value if original prizes can't be awarded.
(8) All winning contestants agree to release Fantasy Alarm from any liability associated with these prizes.
(9) This Fantasy Game is being administered by Fantasy Alarm and Fantasy Postseason is not responsible for the awarding of prizes proposed herein.
(10) All contestants must be over the age of 18, citizens of the United States, and residents of states that allow such contests.
Please create an account or log in then return to this page to register for the contest.